Supercharged NK Cell™

Cancer Research

With cancer on the rise and treatments that can cause toxicity, pain, or even death, the world is desperate for non-toxic treatment options that work. Recent scientific discoveries related to the cellular function of NK Cells and their essential role in maintaining a healthy immune system are creating new pathways for the development of more effective treatment options for patients.

Cannabinoid Cancer Research

Cannabis has been used as a therapeutic for cancer for thousands of years, yet little is still known about why it has shown incredible medical benefits. It's NKores goal to continue on-going research after having made incredible discoveries over the last few years so that this plant can be used to its full therapeutic benefit in a safe and effective way. 

NK Cell Diagnostics

Utilizing Dr. Jewett’s suite of patents, NKore will offer patients an opportunity to monitor their NK Cell function through a series of diagnostic tests. The wellness of a patient’s NK Cells can help lead to preventive measures that may mitigate the progression of the disease.
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